Welcome to our Literary Herald
The Literary Herald – an international, refereed / peer-reviewed, impact factor, low fee, fast-review, open-access e-journal of English language and literature, is published Bi-monthly (August, October, December, February, April, June). It publishes original, authentic, scholarly and unpublished research articles, essays, short stories, poetry, book reviews, translations, and interviews received from scholars/ faculty/ researchers/ writers and professors the world over through e-mail attachments on English language and literature. The journal is open to International English Literature, Post-colonial Literature, New Literature, English Language Teaching, Commonwealth Literature, Indian Writing in English, Applied Linguistics and TEFL, and Literatures written in English. The journal seeks to promote interpretative critical analysis and in-depth insights into established and new literatures, and thereby generate an academically serious and healthy debate in the literary circles. It also supports literary contributions in the form of original as well as translated poetry and fiction. Being international, it welcomes research articles/papers from outside India also; being refereed it follows a strict double-blind peer-revie... Read More